Dr. Anthony Moyer
Willow Lane Elementary School Principal
Welcome to Willow Lane Elementary School. I was privileged to be a part of the initial team of staff members, parents, and students who opened this great school. The East Penn School District has been a part of my life since I was enrolled in Kindergarten at Lincoln Elementary School. I’m proud to be associated with such a fine educational organization throughout the past 40 years.
Willow Lane is a school that is collaborative, friendly, warm, caring, and inviting. Staff members demonstrate concern for all students and share responsibility for all students’ social and academic progress. Parents and community members are welcomed and participate in programs and classroom activities whenever possible. Technology skills are taught and used by teachers to enhance the curriculum. Teaching lessons include elements of project-based learning and other meaningful, engaging, hands-on activities enabling students to demonstrate knowledge, equipping them with vital job skills for their futures.
Our hallways and classrooms display student created artwork and projects.
Our students enjoy coming to school as a result of the love of learning that we demonstrate and instill. Second language knowledge is viewed as a strength, not a weakness. Staff members share their love for literature and teaching lessons are multidisciplinary, including art, music, and physical education routinely.
As your principal, I serve multiple roles: coach, staff developer, teacher, advocate, author, cheerleader, bulletin board creator, muse, confidante, and friend. I remain passionate about the art of teaching and believe there is no nobler profession. When visiting classrooms, I seek high levels of student engagement, creativity, meaningful assessment, and differentiated remediation and enrichment.
Most importantly, a positive school culture prevails. As revered Manhattan New School Principal, Shelley Harwayne, stated, “It doesn’t matter what curriculum decisions we make, what instructional strategies we try, or what assessment tools we collect, if students and teachers don’t care about each other, children will not share significant stories, take risks as spellers, or accept new challenges if the classroom is not secure and supportive.”
Let me know what you need so that you experience one of the most rewarding school years of your career. Your input will always be meaningful and valuable to me.
To a joyous school year at Willow Lane,
Dr. Anthony Moyer