School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

At Lincoln Elementary, we are committed to providing a positive environment to support students’ learning by adopting a School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS) system.

What is School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS)?

SWPBIS is a multi-tiered system of support that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors, establishing social culture, and addressing social, emotional, and academic needs to create a positive school environment.

SWPBIS is implemented in areas including the classroom and non-classroom settings such as hallways, buses, and bathrooms.

This multi-tiered approach is based on a problem-solving framework that provides services and interventions as soon as a student demonstrates a need. In addition, all learners receive direct instruction in appropriate behavior and social competence, which is explicitly taught just like mathematics or reading comprehension.

Help our Lincoln Lions to Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe:

Talk to your student about the behavioral expectations at school.

Ask your student about their school day each day.

Help your child work through conflicts and contact Lincoln Elementary if needed.

Celebrating Positive Behavior:

Individual Level:

Students are given a ticket when they are noticed being respectful, responsible, or safe. Once they collect ten tickets, they exchange the tickets for one Lincoln Paws Card.

Classroom Level:

On Shopping Day (first Monday of the month), students can exchange their Paws Cards for a reward that is redeemed in the classroom. Examples of rewards include: wear slippers in the classroom, wear a hat, office messenger, tell a joke to the class, bring a stuffed animal, swap seats with a friend, and sit in the teacher’s chair. Selected shopping rewards will be shared with families using the Seesaw platform as students will post their selected reward to their student journal each month.

Building Level:

On Shopping Day, students may take a chance by putting their Lincoln Paws Card in a raffle. Raffles will occur once a month, and students are eligible to enter both the raffle and participate in the classroom Shop Day if they have earned multiple cards. Some examples of Raffle Prizes include: Lunch Bunch with Mrs. Champion, Extra recess with Mrs. Hemberger, or a Meet and Greet with our mascot, Paws.

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