Ringworm (Tinea Corporis)

Ringworm Facts

What is it?

Fungal infection. May occur all over the body. Some infected areas have specific names:
Tinea pedis = athlete’s foot
Tinea cruris = jock itch
Tinea unguum = ringworm in nails
Tinea capitis = ringworm in scalp and hair


Can get it from people, animals (cows), and the soil. Direct skin-to-skin contact with infected person or animal. contact with objects that contacted the infected area. **INFECTED INDIVIDUALS ARE CONTAGIOUS EVEN BEFORE SYMPTOMS APPEAR!**


Lesion that is clear in the center with a rough, scaly, circular border. May vary in size. Symptoms usually appear 10-14 days after contact.


See physician, will prescribe antifungal medication, usually topical (Lamisil, Tinactin, Lotrimin). If severe infection, may need oral medication. Non-contact for 48-72 hours as directed by physician. May take 4-6 weeks for lesions to completely resolve. Continue the medication for 1 week after the lesions have cleared because the fungus may be living under the skin.


Very difficult to prevent. Good hygiene and do not share personal items. Shower with antibacterial soap and a medicated shampoo with selenium (Selson Blue) may help to prevent in the scalp and hair. Wash all workout gear daily, and wash knee pads and head gear twice/week.

What does it look like?

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