Family Resources For Modifying Behavior

Modifying Behavior

The East Penn School District has high expectations for all students. Our goal is to maximize academic engagement and minimize rule violations and disruptive behavior. Research shows this is best accomplished through prevention and intervention rather than suspension. Suspensions should only be utilized as a last resort when other interventions are not successful, or for serious violations of the code of conduct. The following interventions are strategies that have proven effective in modifying behavior.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports 

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a highly effective way of building children’s social, emotional, and behavioral skills to reduce challenging behaviors. PBIS can also be effectively used at home and is especially helpful when events disrupt normal routines. If you would like additional resources, please see the Supporting Families with PBIS document for some recommendations for families and caregivers on how to use PBIS to support your children’s social and emotional growth at home.

Restorative Practices is a set of principles and practices used to build community, respond to harm/conflict and provide individual circles of support for students. By building, maintaining and restoring relationships between members of the entire school community, we help to create an environment where all students can thrive. 

Restorative Processes Schools also use circles to mediate conflicts as well as a restorative alternative to suspension and punitive discipline. 

You can practice these circles at home when harm has been done or when there is conflict. If you would like additional resources, please see the Restorative Practices Parent Handbook.

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