School Community Member Expectations And Responsibilities

Each school community member plays an important role in creating safe and supportive learning environments for our students.  

Students will:

  • be responsible and accountable for school’s rules and regulations;
  • maintain timely and regular school attendance;
  • report any concerns or conflicts to a school staff member;
  • contribute to a positive learning atmosphere; 
  • make an earnest effort to do their best work;
  • and respect all members of the school community

Parents/Guardians will:

  • ensure their child(ren)’s timely and regular school attendance; 
  • support school rules and regulations;
  • teach their child(ren) respect for the law and respect for all members of the school community;
  • partner with school staff to resolve conflicts;
  • report any concerns or threats to a school staff member;
  • comply with school rules when entering the building;
  • and support the district staff in their efforts to maintain the safety of all child(ren)

Staff will:

  • respect all members of the school community;
  • welcome every parent and guardian to the school and school meetings, partnering with  families to better their child’s school experience;
  • ensure that all students are being afforded equitable access to all opportunities at school with full preparation and support;
  • maintain confidentiality;
  • ensure students shall have the opportunity and responsibility to make up exams and work missed while serving consequences;
  • and plan and conduct a program of instruction that engages students; promotes a climate of mutual respect and dignity, a climate that strengthens the students’ positive self-image; establishes and supports a strong partnership between home and school; and skillfully distinguishes between minor student misconduct best handled by staff and major problems requiring the assistance of administration

The Administration will: 

  • support an orderly and respectful learning atmosphere guided by a clear code of student conduct as well as the on-going professional development to ensure the staff’s successful implementation of de-escalation techniques, trauma-informed practices, and restorative practices;
  • establish a proactive approach to student discipline coupled with the emphasis on an engaging learning atmosphere is central to the school’s work; 
  • maintain confidentiality;
  • monitor and respond to teacher needs and student needs as it pertains to the student code of conduct;
  • and work collaboratively with students, parents/guardians, and staff to apply the code and related consequences in a fair and equitable manner

Local Law Enforcement

The Pennsylvania State Police and/or local police departments work collaboratively with East Penn administration to address serious offenses and consult regarding safety concerns.  

When does the Code Apply? 

The Code of Conduct applies to students while they are in school and/or at any school sponsored activity such as a class trip or a sporting event or possible off campus behavior as defined by school board policy. The Code of Conduct also applies to all students while they are traveling to and from school, using any mode of transportation (walking, school bus, etc). Additionally, the Code of Conduct applies to off-grounds (remote learning).

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