In October of 2009, Dr. Thomas Seidenberger, Former Superintendent of the East Penn School District presided over the dedication of Memorial Field and the “Memorial Wall”. The ceremony was the final step in the completion of a project which started in September of 2005. The 1200 seat facility which features a “Field Turf” surface, lights, an electric scoreboard and refreshment stand is home to the boys and girls lacrosse programs, the boys and girls soccer programs, the field hockey program along with providing additional “classroom space” for physical education. The project was primarily financed by the school district and intended to honor the many employees and students of the East Penn School District who have passed away. Joseph and Doris Gray, who lost their son Tommy in a car accident his freshman year in high school, purchased the scoreboard and contributed money towards the bleacher expansion. They also started a scholarship fund in their son’s behalf.
Construction on the Memorial Wall started in the summer of 2007. Sam and Robin Landis, who lost their son Trever in a car accident, designed and built the wall. They also began a scholarship fund in their son’s honor. In addition to the Landis family, Ronald and Patricia Montz were major contributors to the project.
The purchase of a memorial brick ($75) or plate ($175) may be made in memory of any current or former employee or student of The East Penn School District. If you are interested in purchasing a brick or plate, please contact the Emmaus Department of Athletics, 610-965-1670 for more information.