Internet Options: Hotspots

Converting phone to a hotspot

  1. Open the Settings app, then select Mobile Data
  2. Tap Personal Hotspot, and set Personal Hotspot to On.
  3. If Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth are off, iOS will ask if you want to turn them back on.
  4. Tap ‘Wi-Fi Password’ and enter a suitable password.
  5. Now check the name of the hotspot listed under To Connect Using Wi-Fi
  6. Go to the Wi-Fi setting on your device and choose the Wi-Fi hotspot.
  7. Enter the password from Step 4.

Click here to view How to set up a Personal Hotspot on your iPhone or iPad Tutorial

  1. Go to Settings, tap the Wireless & Networks option.
  2. Open Tethering and portable hotspot.
  3. You’ll need to set up the Wi-Fi hotspot for first time use.
  4. Add or change the name you want to give the Wi-Fi network, and give it a password you will remember.

Click here to view Share a mobile connection by tethering or hotspot on Android Tutorial

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