Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the program cost?
The driver training program is $250 for EHS students and $300 for non-EHS students.

Who is eligible for the driver training program?
Any student who has their learners permit and has successfully completed driver education is eligible for driver training.

What are the benefits of the driver training program?
The driver training program at EHS has many benefits. Some of those benefits include a potential insurance discount, 3 one hour driving sessions with an instructor, driving simulation, potential testing opportunity at EHS.

Do I need to pass driver education before starting driver training?
Yes, all students must complete driver education before enrolling in driver training.

Do I need to have my permit before enrolling in driver training?
Yes, all students must have a valid learner’s permit before enrolling in driver training.

How long does it take to complete the program?
It typically takes between 6-8 weeks to complete the program, depending on scheduling and availability.

I registered on Moodle, now what?
If you registered on Moodle, you will be placed on the waiting list for the next session. Each session is about 6 weeks in duration. You will be contacted through email in the order in which you enrolled. You will not get an automatic reply from the Google Doc.

What does the program consist of?
The program includes 9 hours of simulation and 3 hours of on the road driving sessions.

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