
Mission Statement

The intrinsic value of music instruction lies in its unique contexts for developing critical and creative thinking skills and self-expression and problem-solving aptitude. The goals of the music curriculum are as follows:

  • The music curriculum will offer a well-planned sequence of learning experiences leading to clearly defined skills and knowledge.
  • The music studies will reflect the multi-musical diversity of America’s pluralistic culture.
  • The curriculum for every student will include improvisation and composition.
  • Tasks that emphasize problem-solving and higher order thinking skills will be given to every student.
  • The music curriculum will maintain its integrity, and will emphasize relationships among the arts and between the arts and other disciplines.
  • The curriculum will utilize current technology to individualize and expand music learning.
  • Authentic assessment, based on specific objectives taken from the skills, knowledge, and understandings designated in the curriculum, will be utilized for all students.

Music Teachers

  • Julia Wallace | Room 008 | Email
  • Connie Arnold | Room 007 | Email 
  • Spencer Koppenol | Room 007 | Email

Courses Offered

Please see the Program of Studies for more detailed course information. Click here for the Music curriculum.

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