
Mission Statement

At Emmaus High School, we are committed to offering the best in differentiated services for our gifted students. Our mission is to provide relevant quality educational opportunities for all students to develop the skills necessary to reach their maximum potential as responsible, productive citizens, and life-long learners. The mission of the Emmaus High School Gifted Program is to serve the intellectually gifted student in order to develop individual talents both educationally and emotionally through a qualitatively differentiated curriculum in a safe environment.

Gifted Support Teachers

Kevin Bisignani | Room 226 | | Kevin Bisignani Website
Kara Chamberlain | Room 250 | | Kara Chamberlain Website
Amy Kaunitz | Room 216 | |
Spencer Koppenol | Room 007 | |
Brent Ohl | Room 141 | | Brent Ohl Website

Courses Offered

Please see the Program of Studies for more detailed course information. Click here to view Gifted curriculum

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